Board of Directors

> About > Board of Directors

As an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, Lyric Music Theater is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors. Each year, 12 dedicated volunteers oversee the artistic and operational aspects of the theater. Board members are elected each year at our Annual Meeting in June for a three year term. We welcome interested Lyric members to stand for election for the Board. The Board generally meets once per month and most board members serve as a Director overseeing an aspect of the theater.

2024-2025 Board of Directors and Officers

Mary Meserve – President
Mara Monaghan – Director of Administration
Shari Peppard – Director of Development
Don Smith – Director of Facilities
Vicki Swerdlow – Director of Finance
Heather Connolly – Director of Governance/Executive Vice President
Kate Whalen – Director of Marketing
Dave Sheehy – Director of Performance Operations
Justin Norton – Co-Director of Technical Operations
Joseph Tinianow – Co-Director of Technical Operations
Christine Freme – Director at Large
Sue Finch – Treasurer *
Patty Sprague – Secretary *

*Not a voting board member